Sunday, September 5, 2010

Make a Wish....or 2 or 6..

Hi everyone! I hope you're all having a wonderful Sunday! It's nap time at our house, but I have been hard at work on a card that has had me go through countless sheets of card stock and more glitter than necessary.  A little backstory here: So this morning I woke up at 6 and decided to see what the Curtain Call color challenge was this week. I saw it was this:

Ok, kinda springy colors and kinda fun and flirty. I think, oh I can whip this out in a few minutes and then have plenty of time to shower before church. Fast forward to 8:15 when I should be in the shower or at least in the closet looking for an outfit and I am still in the craft room dealing with this card. Ugh. For the life of me I am not sure why these colors drove me up the wall, and honestly I am not sure if it was actually the colors or if it was just that I had no mojo this morning. So, off to church we went and as soon as we ate after coming home I decided to give it another go. That was at 11:45 forward {yes, again} to 2:07 central and I am JUST finishing. Oh goodness..I just could not get a good card out of me today. It was so crazy! I have so many card bases lined up and so much wasted supply sitting on the table and in the hate mojoless days like this! So, this is what I came up with finally:

I don't know..what do you think?  It's a little plain and a little juvenile, but it's all I had ..and there was NO way I wasn't going to post something today! Not after all of that time.  :)

Well, anyway...I hope you guys like it and now it's time for a nap. I have to be back at church for Awana in 2 hours and then we're having a sleepover tonight. Ok, so it's just me, Aaron, and Ava downstairs, but we're watching "Twilight" (time #47!) and "The Simpson's Movie" and "Harry Potter" (which one is up in the air, but whichever one it is it'll be my nth time seeing, so I wont be resting then. Have a great rest of the day and i'll see you tomorrow!

Stamps: Birthday Bash (Verve), Star Prints, Fancy Fluorish (papertrey)
Card Stock: Peach Parfait, Wild Wasabi, Pure Poppy, White, Pink Pirouette (stampin up)
Ink: Pure Poppy (stampin up)
Extras: Rikrak die (papertrey)

15 brownkowments:

Sue Ann said...

It is a perfect birthday card for a tween kinda girl and you could carry the theme through with stars ...... star shaped bubble bath maybe make a journal ..... I think this looks fantastic and sometimes simple is more perfect then all the bells and whistles ...... GREAT CARD KEVA!!!

Teresa Kline said...

wow girl, I luv clean, but bold too...great card...have a fantastic day!

enjoy *~*

Diane Jaquay said...

Great card Keva, love the interaction of the 3 elements at the top (the star, flourish, and ric rac), and the sentiment is PERFECT with them! And of course these are really fabulous colors!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful card, all the elements look perfect together!

Vicki Dutcher said...

Excellent CAS card! Love the sentiment placement~ Nice job for Act 46!

Stacey Schafer said...

super cute, keva! love the ric rac trim and that fun star focal:) thanks for playing the Curtain Call!

Laurie said...

Oh I like this Keva! Such a great CAS card! that flourish at the top is so pretty!!

Dana said...

I feel your pain on spending hours on a card you thought would be simple to pull off. SO frustrating but you can't just give up!
I definitely don't think your card is juvenile, not at all. It's just clean and simple and I think it works for the challenge perfectly.
Hope you had fun with the family on Movie night!

Rebecca said...

I think this is really cute! I like the sentiment down in the corner. It really balances the card.

Julie said...

This is adorable, Keva! I love how you used the colors! Great card!

Susan (peebsmama) said...

I really like your use of the rickrack strips in different colors. The flourish from the star is a fun accent.

Christina said...

Oh my goodness, I had the same struggles with this color combo! Not good for my first week on the Crew! I had lots of wasted cardstock, to say the least. Anyway, I would have never known that you struggled by looking at this fun card. I love that you went bold and bright, and the flourish is fabulous! So glad you stuck with it this week!

Silke Ledlow said...

Keva, I feel your pain...LOL...I have many of these kinda days myself!!! But after all your card turned out super cute!!! You rocked the colors GF!!! Thanks for playing along with us!!! Hugs ~S~


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