Whoa, Friday already? Don't get me wrong..I'm glad it's here but, man, it seems like this week flew by! I hope you guys all had a great week. Mine was pretty good, I suppose. Nothing remarkable happened. :)
I have a card today that I made for this week's
Colour Q challenge. Here are this week's colors:
Fun colors, right? They put me in the mood to make a little boy birthday card. I seriously have NO birthday cards around. I really must start making cards that are usable. I have plenty of cards that say things like "birds fly cause they have wings" (not a real sentiment) or something like that and nothing that just says "Hey, happy birthday" or "congrats" or even "hey buddy!"...lol. Do you guys find yourself making cards that you don't REALLY use? The madness has GOT to stop...lol. So here is the card I made:
Now to find a boy to send it to and I am all set! Have a great weekend. Go Buckeyes!!!