Thursday, November 17, 2011

wedding wishes..

Hey there! Thanks for stopping by! Well, it's Thursday and not just any's finally "Breaking Dawn" movie Thursday!!!!! Eeek!

We are so excited to go and see the movie tonight. We've got tickets for the midnight showing and also for another showing on Saturday sponsored by Twilight Lexicon. We're hoping that someone from the actual movie shows up this year as they have in years past. Woot! Today is also a special Thursday because it's time for another FYI Challenge! Here is this week's amazing photo:

It's kind of a "breaking dawn", no? LOL. Here is the card I made for this week:

Ok, so you had to know that I would make a wedding card, right?  I pulled the blue and rust from the photo. Those were the two colors that stood out to me most. I think they work well together,too! 

Well, that's it for me. Thanks for stopping by and check out the FYI blog for all of the DT samples and to play along with us! Have a great day! 

8 brownkowments:

Michelle said... 1

I think blue and rust go nicely together also! Lovely card, Keva!
Have fun at the movies! I'm having a hard time bringing myself to watch the Twilight movies. I loved the books so much that I don't think I can cope with the variations in the story, LOL!

Lindsay said... 6

Gorgeous Keva! Love the big sentiment! Hope you had a fantastic time!!

Jen Adcock said... 7

Pretty gorgeous Keva! Love the elegance of those three pearls. The Braking Dawn Colors are awesome. Good movie?


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